$300.00 AUD

Peak Performance Fitness Consultation

Unlock Your Peak Performance After 40 – Custom Fitness Consultations

Welcome to the Exclusive Online Consultation Hub for Athletes Over 40

Are you ready to ignite your energy and conquer your peak fitness aspirations after crossing the threshold of 40? Your search ends here! Andrew Read has specialised in helping those over 40 successfully navigate ultra-marathons, Ironman triathlons, high altitude trekking and mountaineering, incredible body transformation change, and rehabilitation and return to play protocols from major orthopedic surgery and injuries allowing people to reclaim past athleticism.

These tailored online consultation services, meticulously crafted for individuals like you – both men and women – who are dedicated to elevating their health and fitness journey, regardless of age.

What You Get:

Tailored Guidance: Immerse yourself in Andrew's wealth of knowledge during our one-hour consultations, conducted through Zoom. Rest assured, each call is recorded for your convenience, ensuring you can revisit the insights anytime you desire.

Training Mastery: Receive detailed advice in constructing a foundational training program that resonates with your objectives and capacities. Expect candid discussions about your current abilities to set realistic goals.

Video Coaching: Elevate your technique to perfection. Share exercise videos, granting Andrew the opportunity to provide invaluable refinements to common lifts. Prior video submission is necessary for productive sessions.

Essential Nutrition: Navigate the realm of nutrition with finesse. Acquire insights into curating a balanced and sustainable eating plan tailored to your preferences, while optimizing performance, health, and body composition.

Nutritional Habit Building: Andrew specialises in mindset training around diet. Get strategies to change your outlook on your specific dietary triggers. It’s not enough to know what to eat – you have to know why you’re choosing to eat specific foods and what is driving those decisions.

Hormone Optimization: Unveil the gender-specific dietary nuances for attaining optimal hormonal balance.

Strategic Supplementation: Embark on a journey of discovery as you unravel supplementation strategies that seamlessly complement your fitness odyssey.

Our Scope Doesn't Encompass:

Performance Enhancing Substances: We abstain from discussing performance-enhancing drugs or specific dosage patterns for TRT as that is outside our scope of practice.

Medical Complexities: While we're committed to your well-being, we aren't equipped to address specific medical conditions.

The Effortless Journey:

  1. Secure Your Slot
  2. Initial Questionnaire: Within a day of your purchase, receive an email featuring a link to a pre-consultation questionnaire. Make sure to check your spam folder if you don't receive it. 
  3. Schedule Your Session: After completing the questionnaire, acquire a scheduling link for your Zoom consultation. Time zone disparities might pose a challenge, but  we're here to accommodate your preferences if possible. 
  4. Review at Your Pace: Relish the convenience of recorded consultations. Revisit these Zoom calls at your convenience, ensuring no detail escapes your attention.

Language: All consultations are conducted in English.

Embark on a journey toward an athletic and adventurous life! Your prime years beckon – seize them with unwavering vitality!